Thursday 29 September 2011

[HUO7] NGOs and Speakers #4: UndiMsia!


UndiMsia! is a non-partisan campaign created with the aim to promote vibrant democracy targeted at young Malaysians through a series of voter education deliverables. Their mission is to build participatory opportunities for young Malaysians by supporting the need for accurate information on key civil, political and socio-economic rights that affect every aspect of young Malaysian life, assisting young Malaysians in their engagement with elected representatives and driving young Malaysians to take impactful action with tangible results. 


IdolaDemokrasi GameShop (Teaser)

Politicians often shout “People Power”. What does it actually mean in reality?
Where is the power, and who are the people?

Is our system of democratic governance working for our people? Why is there a
need for so many NGOs and platforms like the awesome “Hear Us Out” series where
citizens actively play a part to give back to society?

What does a “real” participatory democracy mean to Malaysians - you and me?

UndiMsia! presents a teaser of its 4-hour flagship life-changing GameShop which
will get you going #AHA and seeing your role and our lives in Malaysia like never before. Don’t miss it, or you will miss enlightenment.